1. Street Photography- my last 3 pictures were from my spot and it was not easy for me to do. I didnt get close to any of them because when I tried to do that the people noticed and it became very awkward. It was very hard to try and plan my picture out while trying to get it so a lot of the time I found myself just taking as many photos as I could with out them noticing and just hoping for a good shot and not to get punched in the face.
2. Documentary- I would consider my first two these because they knew I was there but I didnt position them at all I just got them doing what they were doing (work in alumni and volleyball practice on Friday). Well Brittany didnt know that I was taking portraits with action shots at practice so I didnt notice anything different with the way she was acting but Cat (one at work) tried to not look at me and you could tell was completely aware of her actions. There wasnt anything in particular she did that I noticed but I only snapped these real quick before running to class because I thought it would make a good picture and I knew she wouldnt punch me,
5. Focus on facial expressions- what feels different about your photos when someone looks into the camera or looks away? I feel like when they are looking into the camera there is almost this connection you can feel when you look at the picture like you can almost feel what they are thinking. I prefer that with adults they arent looking at the camera though because it feels more candid and honest. With kids they are less apt to be as conscious of the camera and try and control their emotions unlike adults. Example- when Hannah is having a fit she could care less if I am catching it on camera where as an adult would defiantly care if I had a picture of them crying and acting like a 3 year old.
6. After you are done- Are you getting more comfortable photographing new people? No way. I love photographing people but not people who dont want their picture taken and are just trying to do their day to day things. I rather know the person because I feel like it is more rewarding and I just prefer to have pictures of people I know and care about. Are you doing a better job of making them comfortable? When they are people I know yes. I just talk to them and make sure to show them the pictures during and after because when they know they are coming out good they are more apt to just relax. What can you do better? Not sure how to make street photography less nerve racking because I havent had any good experiences yet. As for the people I know I think I just need to challenge myself more and try new things.